
Views for hackers at DrupalCon Chicago 2011

I gave my "Views for hackers" talk at DrupalCon Chicago yesterday. This was definitely the biggest attendance I've ever had in my short experience as a speaker! Thanks everyone for attending and for the great questions. Please rate it at the DrupalCon site, this will help me improve it.

Filtering Views results with taxonomy terms including synonyms and relations

Taxonomy is a very powerful classification system, so powerful in fact that it's hard (and resource intensive) to fully utilize it in Views and other queries.

Views for hackers at VanDUG

I gave my "Views for Hackers" presentation at the Vancouver Drupal Users Group (aka Vancouver League of Drupalers). This is an updated version from the Pacific Northwest Drupal Summit earlier this month. Roland Tanglao filmed it and posted it on Qik - thanks Roland!

Fun with Views and Feeds: Sorting feeds based on number of items

Here's a short recipe to sort the results of a view using PHP. The domain of application is sorting feeds in Managing News based on the number of items each feed has.


No, this is not a YouTube clone in Drupal. But it sure got your attention!

Visit DruTube and if you're interested, read on. A packaged feature is available below.

It's a little demo of a Feeds + MediaFront + Embedded Media Field + CCK + Views mashup to create a continuous-playing experience of Drupal videos on YouTube.

Using default arguments to relate nodes by their common taxonomy terms

Given a list of videos tagged with a specific vocabulary, I wanted to show a view of these videos on the page of another node type (a "channel") that is also tagged with the same vocabulary. The idea is to create video channels that implicitly relate to videos by sharing taxonomy terms, instead of explicitly relating the videos to their channel (using node references for example). The videos should show on the channel's node page.

Keeping views under control

It's no secret that version control on Drupal is hard. Specifically, the problem of iteratively building a site on a staging server, then moving it to a running production system has been the source of countless wasted hours, lost data, pulled hair, blog posts, and modules promising a solution. On Twitter, some would say #drupal #migration #fail.

This post is not the answer to this problem. I just want to show actual code that helps with a small part of it, namely keeping views under version control.

Fun with Views and Location

For my day job, I've been using the Location module quite extensively. Thanks to its many contributed modules, it integrates with various parts of the Drupal ecosystem, including Views, making it a good base to start developing your own location-aware features. Here are some puzzles I faced during the past few days:

Filtering views with existing cities

The city filter is a text field. That's not ideal because it does not give users a hint about existing cities in the database.

Modules I would love to write (given enough resources etc.)

If you are ready to sponsor the creation of these modules, or want to help with their development, please contact me! And if they exist already, do let me know :-)

  • An infinite scroll Views 3.x pager plugin. The auto-scroller would refresh the view page with the contents of the next page, as returned by the pager.

  • Exporters (based on CTools Exportables) for blocks, menus, taxonomies and other core objects.

  • Single-field editor popups (based on Popups API).

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